Sunday, June 2, 2013

Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn

This book was recommended to me by sooo many people that I couldn't ignore it any longer. It had the makings of a great murder mystery so it didn't take long for me to become hooked.

The way that Gillian Flynn writes this novel is very intriguing. I'm not going to go into a lot of detail and spoil it for those who want to read it, but the way it flows is interesting. A woman (Amy) goes missing on the day of her 5th wedding anniversary. Her husband Nick soon becomes suspect number one and the entire book is about the search for Amy and the process to uncover the truth to find out if Nick is responsible for her disappearance.

What's fun about this book is that it is written from the perspectives of both Amy and Nick. Each chapter alternates between the two viewpoints and acts as diary entries from the married couple. Amy's diary begins on the day she first meets Nick. Nick's diary begins on the day Amy goes missing. It's a very intriguing story with plenty of twists and turns to keep you riveted until the very end. Unfortunately for the reader though, the end is where this book lacks the most. It seems to just drop off - giving the reader very little closure. Overall though a very good read. And as disappointing as the ending was it actually doesn't take away enough of the storyline to leave you feeling like you were robbed.

Side note: Reese Witherspoon's production company has reportedly obtained the film rights to this book and plans to begin production later this year. Can't wait to see who they cast as our two main characters!

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